
Does Uv Light Help Nail Fungus

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Br J Dermatol. Writer manuscript; available in PMC 2010 Jan 20.

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PMCID: PMC2808700


Ultraviolet C inactivation of dermatophytes: implications for treatment of onychomycosis

T. Dai

*Wellman Centre for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Infirmary, Boston, MA 02114, U.Southward.A

Department of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, U.S.A

K.P. Tegos

*Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts Full general Hospital, Boston, MA 02114, U.S.A

Department of Dermatology, Harvard Medical Schoolhouse, Boston, MA, The statesA

G. Rolz-Cruz

*Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114, U.South.A

Department of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, U.s.a.A

W.E. Cumbie

Keraderm LLC, Hampton, VA, U.Southward.A

M.R. Hamblin

*Wellman Centre for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Infirmary, Boston, MA 02114, U.S.A

Section of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, U.S.A

§Harvard–MIT Sectionalisation of Health Sciences and Applied science, Cambridge, MA, United statesA



Onychomycosis responds to systemic antifungals and sometimes to topical lacquers, simply alternative treatments are desirable. Topical awarding of germicidal ultraviolet (UV) C radiation may be an acceptable and effective therapy for infected nails.


To test the ability of UVC to inactivate dermatophyte suspensions in vitro and to sterilize a novel ex vivo model of nail infection.


Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, Epidermophyton floccosum and Microsporum canis suspensions were irradiated with UVC (254 nm) at a radiant exposure of 120 mJ cm−ii and surviving colony-forming units quantified. T. rubrum infecting porcine hoof slices and human toenail clippings was irradiated with UVC at radiant exposures of 36–864 J cm−2.


In vitro studies showed that 3–5 logs of cell inactivation in dermatophyte suspensions were produced with 120 mJ cm−2 UVC irradiation. Depending on factors such every bit the thickness and infectious burden of the ex vivo cultures, the radiant exposure of UVC needed for complete sterilization was commonly in the order of tens to hundreds of J cm−ii. Resistance of T. rubrum to UVC irradiation did not increase after five cycles of subtotal inactivation in vitro.


UVC irradiation may exist a less invasive treatment option for onychomycosis, when the appropriate consideration is given to safety.

Keywords: dermatophytes, ex vivo nail infection, onychomycosis, ultraviolet C

Onychomycosis is a chronic fungal nail infection that affects a big per centum of the population. Mycological prevalence in the U.S.A. is seven–ten%.1 The prevalence has increased sharply in recent years.2 Onychomycosis can be specially troublesome to special segments of the population, such as the elderly, patients with diabetes, and immunocompromised individuals. In these patients, onychomycosis increases the risk of recurrent cellulitis and ulceration. Amputation of toes, anxiety or legs in patients with diabetes is about always preceded by years of poorly controlled onychomycosis.three Dermatophytes (including the genera Trichophyton, Epidermophyton and Microsporum) are by far the most common pathogens of onychomycosis,i , four , 5 with T. rubrum bookkeeping for 80% of the infections.2 Treatment of onychomycosis is challenging for physicians, and the efficacy of current treatment options, including topical, oral, mechanical and chemical therapies or a combination of these modalities, remains , 7

Topical drug treatment for onychomycosis is not normally successful because the topical drugs are typically unable to penetrate the hyperkeratotic nail plate.eight , nine Equally a outcome, a therapeutically sufficient quantity of drug cannot be delivered to the localized sites of fungal infection. In addition, rapid recurrence of symptoms can occur afterwards discontinuing use.10 , xi Oral antifungal agents are more effective although they are also more toxic. There is a significant take a chance of liver toxicity, prolonged loss of taste, and life-threatening drug interactions.12 When the oral antifungal agents are used on a long-term basis, development of fungal resistance also poses business organisation. Surgical treatment of onychomycosis is also very difficult.thirteen Topically applied antifungal drugs may piece of work somewhat better after removing the blast plate by surgery or chemical dissolution.xiv Nevertheless, this is a traumatic procedure that leaves the patient without a nail for months, involves other risks including postoperative infections, and is often ineffective.

Due to the limitations of current treatment options, a simple, nontoxic and effective means to control or cure onychomycosis is conspicuously warranted.15 Although it has been known since the early 1890s that ultraviolet (UV) radiation (specially UVC with a wavelength range of 250–280 nm) is highly germicidal, its use to treat actual infections has hardly been developed. The present study was to determine the efficacy of UVC for handling of onychomycosis and lay the foundation to develop a noninvasive, safe, and highly efficacious handling for onychomycosis.

Materials and methods

Dermatophytes and preparation of stock inocula

Clinical isolates of typical dermatophytes T. rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, E. floccosum and M. canis were obtained every bit gifts from Massachusetts General Infirmary and Children'due south Hospital, Boston. All isolates were subcultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) (Becton, Dickinson and Co., Sparks, MD, United statesA.) plates containing seven.5 mg L−one gentamicin sulphate (Cambrex Bioscience, Walkerville, Medico, The statesA.). The SDA plates were incubated at 30 °C for 10–xv days. Mature colonies were so harvested, suspended in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), dispersed to single-cell suspensions using a sonic dismembrator (Model 100; Fisher Scientific, Norcross, GA, U.S.A.) and stored at −eighty °C in the presence of 20% glycerol as cryoprotectant until used in experiments.

Porcine hoof and homo toenail cultures

Porcine hooves obtained from Yorkshire pigs were used every bit an ex vivo model for human being nail. The protocol to employ Yorkshire pigs was approved by the Subcommittee on Research Fauna Intendance at Massachusetts General Hospital. The hooves were sliced into square fragments of approximately 0.vii × 0.7 cm. Human toenail clippings were besides collected from anonymous volunteers without onychomycosis. The toenail clippings were cut into round fragments with iv-mm bore tissue biopsy punches. The thickness of the hoof and toenail fragments ranged from 0·80 to 1·66 mm and from 0·51 to 1·18 mm, respectively, determined by a digital Vernier caliper.

Prior to beingness autoclaved at 120 °C for 15 min, the hoof or toenail fragments were sterilized by immersion in seventy% isopropanol twice for ane min, and so washed twice (two min) with sterile water. Initially fragments were inoculated on the ventral surface with 20 μL T. rubrum suspension containing approximately two·0 × ten or 2·0 × 10 colony-forming units (c.f.u.) mL−1, and later they were immersed in 100 μL T. rubrum suspension containing two·0 × 106 c.f.u. mL−1 or 2 h. The fragments were then placed in 35-mm diameter Petri dishes, which were placed within a 150-mm diameter Petri dish containing sterile h2o to provide a moist surround. The dishes with hoof or toenail fragments were then incubated at 30 °C for 2–eight weeks before the experiments were performed.

Ultraviolet C irradiation

UVC radiation was delivered by a germicidal lamp (CE-12-2H; American Ultraviolet Company, Lebanon, IN, U.S.A.). Emission spectral measurement of this lamp by a spectroradiometer (SPR-01; Luzchem Research Inc., Ottawa, ON, Canada) showed a meridian emission at 254 ± 2 nm wavelength. The irradiance of the UVC irradiation was controlled by adjusting the distance between the lamp and the target and was measured by a UVX radiometer (UVP Inc., Upland, CA, U.s.a.A.).

In vitro susceptibility testing of dissimilar dermatophytes to ultraviolet C irradiation

Prior to UVC exposure, the optical densities (ODs) of all dermatophyte suspensions were adjusted to approximately 6·5 (ten-fold dilutions measured) at 570 nm in PBS with a spectrophotometer (UVmini-1240; Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Nippon). In addition, the prison cell densities of the suspensions were counted on a haemocytometer (Hausser Scientific, Horsham, PA, The statesA.). In each examination, a 2-mL aliquot of the dermatophyte pause was inoculated to a 32-mm diameter Petri dish to requite a depth of 2-mm liquid and exposed to UVC irradiation. During the irradiation, the dermatophyte suspension was stirred by a mini-magnetic bar. Aliquots of 40 μL of the suspension were withdrawn at 0, 15, 30, 45, sixty and 75 s, respectively, when 0, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 mJ cm−2 UVC had been delivered (UVC irradiance ≈ 1·6 mW cm−two). To disrupt whatsoever aggregates, aliquots were treated with a sonic dismembrator. The aliquots were and then subjected to five serial ten-fold dilutions in PBS. Half dozen samples of ten μL, one from each dilution, were spotted at intervals along one side of square SDA plates (Fisher Scientific) in the lodge of most (1 : 10v) to least (1:1) diluted. Each plate was then tipped on to its side (at a 45° angle), and the spots were allowed to migrate in parallel tracks across the agar surface to the contrary side of the plate.sixteen The plates were then incubated at 30 °C until countable colonies appeared (4–5 days). The experiments were performed in triplicate for each species.

In vitro dermatophyte resistance to ultraviolet C irradiation

The possibility of the development of dermatophyte resistance to UVC irradiation was investigated by conveying out subtotal UVC inactivation (leaving 100 c.f.u. mL−1 postirradiation) of T. rubrum break followed by regrowth and repeated inactivation. Surviving c.f.u. were measured afterward each cycle and cell killing curves constructed. Five cycles of subtotal UVC inactivation were carried out and the experiments were performed in triplicate for each cycle.

Ultraviolet C manual measurements

In order to detect any differences in optical properties between human toenail samples and sus scrofa hoof slices we measured optical transmission of both sets of samples at 254 nm and likewise measured the thickness of the samples with a Vernier micrometer. An IL1700 research radiometer with an SED240 detector (International Light Technologies, Newburyport, MA, U.s.a.A.) was used to decide the transmissivity of 254 nm radiation from the CE-12-2H lamp. The boom or hoof clippings were placed betwixt ii metal plates (6·5 mm thick) that had a 0·32-cm hole drilled through each plate. This system permitted only collimated radiation to be measured.

Ultraviolet C inactivation of Trichophyton rubrum ex vivo

During the experiment, the porcine hoof or human toenail fragments were placed into 32-mm Petri dishes with the dorsal surfaces facing the UVC irradiation. To investigate the efficacy of UVC inactivation of T. rubrum in ex vivo porcine hoof culture at different depths, a cryostatic microtome was used. After the UVC irradiation, the porcine hoof fragments were embedded in Oct compound (Sakura Finetek U.S.A. Inc., Torrance, CA, UsaA.) and frozen at −lxxx °C for 2 h. The frozen hoof fragments were then carefully sectioned at 25 °C, producing sections of 50-μm thickness. The 50-μm thick hoof sections were inoculated on SDA plates and the time for colony outgrowth determined. This process was also carried out with entire infected hoof or toenail fragments afterwards UVC irradiation. This allowed a semiquantitative analysis for the inactivation rate based on the first appointment of colony outgrowth on to SDA plates. A fragment was considered to be sterilized when no colony outgrowth took place from the fragment 14 days after the UVC irradiation. For each irradiated hoof or nail civilisation, a nonirradiated counterpart from the same hoof or from the same nail donor was used every bit a control that had the same thickness and postinfection time and was infected with the same fungal inoculum, respectively.


Data are presented every bit mean ± SD, and differences between means were compared for significance past ii-tailed t-test assuming unequal variance (single comparisons) or i-way ANOVA (multiple comparisons). Significance of correlation coefficient for polynomial curve was estimated by curvilinear regression analysis.


In vitro susceptibilities of different dermatophytes to ultraviolet C irradiation

There was the expected semilogarithmic linear dependence of survival fraction with delivered UVC irradiation in suspensions of dermatophytes (Fig. 1). At the aforementioned OD (≈ 6·5 at 570 nm), M. canis pause showed the highest susceptibility to UVC irradiation. Nearly 99·999% or 5 logs of cell inactivation were achieved in M. canis suspensions when 120 mJ cm−2 UVC had been delivered. In contrast, E. floccosum showed the lowest susceptibility to inactivation, and 120 mJ cm−2 of UVC gave < 99·9% or 3 logs of cell killing in E. floccosum suspensions. T. rubrum, the species responsible for most cases of onychomycosis, had a four log inactivation at a radiant exposure of 120 mJ cm−2.

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Dose responses to ultraviolet (UV) C irradiation of unlike dermatophyte suspensions nether the same optical density (OD570 nm ≈ 6·5). The data are representative experiments performed in triplicate and are displayed as mean ± SD. T. rubrum, Trichophyton rubrum; T. mentagrophytes, Trichophyton mentagrophytes; M. canis, Microsporum canis; Eastward. floccosum, Epidermophyton floccosum.

Test of dermatophyte resistance to ultraviolet C irradiation

Figure 2 demonstrates the cell inactivation curves of T. rubrum in vitro in response to v sequent subtotal UVC inactivations. No significant deviation was found in cell inactivation rates among the five sequent cycles when 120 mJ cm−ii UVC had been delivered (ANOVA, P = 0·66). This indicates that resistance is not acquired by T. rubrum cells that are repeatedly exposed to sublethal UVC irradiation.

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Dose responses of Trichophyton rubrum in vitro to five consecutive subtotal ultraviolet (UV) C inactivations. The data are representative experiments performed in triplicate and are displayed every bit mean ± SD.

Ex vivo models of onychomychosis

Two ex vivo models of onychomycosis were developed in the nowadays study by growing T. rubrum either on the fragments of porcine hoof or on human toenail clippings. Initially we applied drops of fungal pause with varying cell densities to the ventral surface of porcine hoofs and incubated the fragments for 2–8 weeks. Nosotros observed an outgrowth of white mycelia and conidia on the ventral surface in the starting time two–4 weeks depending on the initial inoculum, and this growth later on regressed over the next ii–4 weeks to give a surface similar to the initial hoof appearance. Figure 3a shows a representative periodic acid–Schiff (PAS)-stained histology of a 4-week porcine hoof culture infected with T. rubrum. Massive T. rubrum invasion was demonstrated by numerous hyphae branching out in every direction and subverting the nail structure. In comparison, Effigy 3b shows a PAS-stained histology of an uninfected porcine hoof fragment.

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Periodic acid–Schiff-stained histology of (a) a 4-week porcine hoof culture infected with Trichophyton rubrum; (b) a noninfected porcine hoof fragment. Confined = 200 μm.

In after experiments we submerged the hoof or toenail fragments in suspensions of T. rubrum, with the aim of obtaining a more uniform growth of mucus throughout the blast and less discoloration of the nail surface. In this case we observed much less initial white growth of fungus on the surface, and incubation for 4 weeks was sufficient to requite full hyphal growth throughout the depth of the smash.

Ultraviolet C inactivation of Trichophyton rubrum ex vivo

Figure iv shows a representative outcome (culture 4 in Table 1) illustrating the ability of UVC to penetrate the ex vivo porcine hoof civilisation and inactivate T. rubrum. Prior to existence sectioned by the cryostatic microtome and placed on to SDA plates, the hoof fragment was irradiated under UVC at a power density of approximately twenty mW cm−2 for 8 h, respective to a UVC exposure of 576 J cm−2. In this fragment, an inactivation depth of ≈ 850 μm was achieved (Fig. 4a). Information technology was shown from the negative control (a nonirradiated hoof civilization; Fig. 4b) that the T. rubrum invasion depth was ≥ 900 μm.

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(a) Consecutive microtome-sliced 50-μm thick sections on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) from an ex vivo porcine hoof culture of Trichophyton rubrum irradiated with an ultraviolet C exposure of 576 J cm−2 (eight h irradiation at an irradiance of twenty mW cm−two); (b) Consecutive fifty-μm thick sections from a nonirradiated porcine hoof civilization. Numbers indicate the depths (μm) of the sections from the hoof surface. Day 14 culture on SDA.

Table ane

Summary of ultraviolet (UV) C inactivation of Trichophyton rubrum in ex vivo porcine hoof and human toenail cultures

Culture Culture type Size (cm × cm) Thickness (mm) Manner of infection UVC illumination fourth dimension (h) UVC exposure (J cm−two) Completely sterilized Filibuster of colony outgrowth (days)
1 Hoof 0·35 × 0·7 1·50 A xi·5 828 No 0
2 Hoof 0·35 × 0·seven 1·50 A 6 432 No Not recorded
3 Hoof 0·7 × 0·7 ane·30 B 12 864 No 0
4 Hoof 0·vii × 0·7 i·30 B 8 576 No 2
v Hoof 0·35 × 0·7 1·30 C 8 576 No 3
6 Hoof 0·35 × 0·7 ane·30 C 8 576 Yeah
7 Hoof 0·7 × 0·7 0·fourscore C 6 432 No 2
8 Hoof 0·4 × 0·4 1·14 D 8 576 Yes
nine Hoof 0·4 × 0·four 1·66 D 2 144 No 4
10 Hoof 0·4 × 0·4 i·51 D ii 144 Yep
11 Hoof 0·four × 0·4 1·39 D ane 72 Yes
12 Hoof 0·4 × 0·4 1·34 D 1 72 No 3
thirteen Hoof 0·4 × 0·4 1·27 D ane 72 No 1
14 Hoof 0·4 × 0·4 1·19 D i 72 Yes
15 Toenail 0·iv × 0·4 0·90 D 8 576 Yep
sixteen Toenail 0·4 × 0·4 0·75 D 4 288 Yes
17 Toenail 0·iv × 0·four 0·51 D 4 288 Yes
18 Toenail 0·4 × 0·4 i·18 D 2 144 Yes
19 Toenail 0·4 × 0·4 1·06 D ii 144 Yes
20 Toenail 0·4 × 0·4 1·xiv D 1 72 No ane
21 Toenail 0·4 × 0·iv 1·10 D ane 72 Yes
22 Toenail 0·four × 0·4 0·90 D 1 72 Yes
23 Toenail 0·iv × 0·4 0·85 D 1 72 Aye
24 Toenail 0·4 × 0·4 0·70 D one 72 Aye
25 Toenail 0·4 × 0·four 0·98 D 0·5 36 No 1
26 Toenail 0·four × 0·4 0·98 D 0·5 36 Yes

We also assessed the efficacy of UVC inactivation past placing unabridged hoof or toenail fragments on SDA afterward UVC irradiation and observing T. rubrum colony outgrowth on SDA. Figure 5 shows a representative upshot (civilization 5 in Table one) of the time courses of T. rubrum colony outgrowth size (diameter) on SDA from a hoof fragment irradiated at a UVC exposure of 576 J cm−ii (8 h irradiation at an irradiance of 20 mW cm−two), and that from a nonirradiated control. Trichophyton rubrum colony outgrowth was first observed from the nonirradiated control on mean solar day 3, and from the UVC-irradiated fragment on day six. It can exist further estimated from the two well-nigh parallel time-class curves that the time delay of the colony outgrowth between the control and irradiated cultures was 2·75 days.

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Time courses of Trichophyton rubrum colony outgrowth size (bore) on Sabouraud dextrose agar from a porcine hoof culture irradiated with an ultraviolet (UV) C exposure of 576 J cm−2 (eight h irradiation at an irradiance of 20 mW cm−2) and a nonirradiated command, respectively.

The time delays of colony growth (in comparison with the nonirradiated command) of the microtome-sliced sections at dissimilar depths of a UVC-irradiated hoof civilization (culture 3 in Tabular array 1) are illustrated in Figure 6. For the sections at the depths of 550–1150 μm, the delays of colony outgrowth could be fairly estimated by a second order polynomial function (R two = 0·99, P < 0·00001). For the sections at the depths of 500 μm and above, no colony outgrowth was observed until the finish of the observation (mean solar day 13 after the UVC irradiation).

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Time delays of Trichophyton rubrum colony outgrowth on Sabouraud dextrose agar from microtome-sliced fifty-μm thick sections at different depths of an ultraviolet (UV) C-irradiated porcine hoof culture. UVC exposure: 864 J cm−ii.

Table 1 summarizes the results of UVC inactivation of T. rubrum-infected ex vivo hoof and toenail cultures. In total, 14 porcine hoof and 12 human toenail cultures were irradiated plus several nonirradiated controls. Depending on factors such as the thickness and caste of discoloration of the ex vivo cultures, the UVC exposure needed for complete sterilization was commonly in the club of tens to hundreds of J cm−2. For the human toenail cultures (Table 1, cultures fifteen–26), when 36 J cm−2 UVC had been delivered, 1 of two cultures (50%) was sterilized. When the UVC exposure was increased to 72 J cm−2, four of five (fourscore%) cultures were sterilized. When the UVC exposure was further increased to 144 J cm−2 or higher up, all of five cultures were sterilized. For the porcine hoof cultures, we initially were not able to sterilize cultures that had been infected with drops of T. rubrum break (Tabular array 1, cultures i–vii) even when 864 J cm−2 UVC had been delivered, which was probably due to the optical properties (the degree of opacification and discoloration) of the hoof cultures caused by longer incubation time and higher inocula of T. rubrum pause. Discoloration likewise as thickened nail plate clinically represent the symptoms of belatedly-stage onychomycosis.

We checked that the noninfected hog hoof slices did not have significantly different abilities to transmit UVC radiation (transmissivity) compared with the transmissivity of the noninfected human toenail samples as described in Materials and methods. The mean ± SD absorption per mm thickness of human toenails was 10·13 ± iii·12 (n = ten) while that for pig hoof slices was eight·84 ± four·06 (northward = 8). These were not significantly different from each other (P = 0·44, 2-tailed Educatee'southward t-test).

For the second group of the porcine hoof cultures infected past immersion in T. rubrum suspensions (Table one, cultures 8–14), sterilization was accomplished in 2 of 4 (50%) cultures when a much lower fluence of UVC (72 J cm−ii) had been delivered. When the UVC exposure reached 144 J cm−2 or above, sterilization was accomplished in two of iii cultures tested. The culture that was not sterilized at 144 J cm−two was the i with the greatest thickness (i·66 mm).


In the present study, four dermatophyte species, T. rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, Due east. floccosum and K. canis, were investigated in vitro. For different dermatophytes, the cellular morphology of suspensions is quite unlike. The prison cell suspensions of T. rubrum and T. mentagrophytes are composed mainly of microconidia with the size of 2–3 × iii–5 μm, while the c.f.u. of M. canis and E. floccosum be mostly in the forms of hyphae and macroconidia with sizes of 10–15 × 35–110 μm and vii–12 × 20–twoscore μm, respectively. As a result, for the same prison cell density (c.f.u. mL−1), the ODs of different dermatophyte suspensions are unlike due to the difference in low-cal scattering from different-sized cells. Nosotros compared the in vitro susceptibilities to UVC under the aforementioned OD for different dermatophytes vs. control for penetration of UVC into the suspension.

If microorganisms are not killed simply injured past UVC irradiation, DNA mutations can be produced in the injured organisms. UVC irradiation of microorganisms causes DNA damage by inducing the formation of mutagenic Dna photoproducts, such as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and pyrimidine (6–4) photoproducts.17 Mutations are produced past those UV-induced photoproducts that are non repaired before Dna replication. If the mutations pb to a competitive advantage they volition spread to the whole microbial population. This is in fact largely responsible for the emergence of drug resistance in clinical therapy. Deoxyribonucleic acid excision repair systems, which tin can recognize a broad range of DNA lesions including UVC-induced CPDs, play an of import role in preventing UVC mutagenesis.18 In vitro data presented in this written report showed that T. rubrum resistance to UVC did not increase later on v cycles of subtotal UVC inactivation, indicating the successful maintenance of the genomic integrity of T. rubrum cells by the DNA excision repair organisation.

Due to express availability of human smash samples, porcine hoof was used every bit an ex vivo model for human blast in the present study. As blast and hoof are based on a keratin matrix, information technology is reasonable to use hoof as a model for nail.xix Such a model has also been used by other investigators.20 , 21 Complete inactivation of dermatophytes within the smash plate requires that therapeutically sufficient UVC fluence be delivered to the site of fungal infection. Most dermatophyte species invade the ventral layer of the blast plate first;22 every bit a result, sufficient UVC fluence should be delivered through the whole blast plate, i.e. from the dorsal layer to the ventral layer. The penetration of UVC in homo nail is determined past the blast optical properties including absorption coefficient, scattering coefficient, and anisotropy factor. UVC radiation is dramatically attenuated forth its axle path within the smash plate mainly due to strong optical handful of dermatophyte-invaded human nails and potent absorption of 254-nm radiation by protein molecules such as keratin. This attenuation is demonstrated by comparing betwixt the inactivation UVC exposures in vitro and in vivo. Three logs of cell inactivation of T. rubrum can exist produced in vitro when 105 mJ cm−2 UVC is delivered (Fig. ane), while to attain an inactivation depth of 850 μm ex vivo a UVC exposure of 567 J cm−ii may exist required (nearly 5000-fold increase over the in vitro inactivation exposure) (Fig. 4). In recent years, an optical clearing technique to give transient reduction of the optical scattering of man skin has been widely investigated in phototherapy or photodiagnosis of skin diseases.23 , 24 Past topically applying chemical agents such as dimethyl sulphoxide or glycerol to human skin, refractive index friction match amongst dissimilar components within skin is achieved: every bit a result, calorie-free handful of peel is reduced and low-cal penetration increased. In a futurity study, we volition examination this technique to better the UVC inactivation efficacy of dermatophytes in nails.

It is well known that UV radiation is damaging to human tissue and peculiarly dissentious to skin. UVB irradiation of peel has been peculiarly well studied, and is accustomed as the main cause of skin cancer. UVC irradiation of human skin has been much less studied, but is also known to cause the same kind of damage.25 In proposing to employ UVC irradiation to treat onychomycosis, it is clearly of crucial importance to minimize or avoid UVC exposure to skin either surrounding the nails (perionychium, hyponychium and cuticle) or to the tissue underneath the nail (boom bed). The former can be prevented by careful masking of the expanse with UVC-opaque adhesive cloth, while the latter must be minimized by careful dosimetry calculated with reference to individual patients' boom thickness and optical backdrop. A stage I clinical trial of UVC irradiation for onychomycosis has been recently completed in our establishment and results volition exist submitted for publication.


This work was supported by the U.South. National Institutes of Wellness (STTR Grant R41-AI069641 to M.R.H. and Westward.E.C.). The authors thank Dr Evan Mojica, Dr John Branda and Ms Victoria Hamrahi for providing the clinical isolates of dermatophytes, Mr Bill Farinelli for providing the porcine hooves, and Drs Ana Castano and Pawel Mroz, Ms Tatyana Demidova-Rice, and Drs Dieter Manstain, Qiqi Mu, Noemi R. Romero and Robert Due west. Redmond for their advice and assistance in the experiments.


Conflicts of interest: W.Due east.C. is CEO of Keraderm LLC, a start-up company intending to commercialize this technology.


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